Reading Your Itemized Statement of Charges

Downloading PDF of Reading Your Itemized Statement of Charges

A detailed explanation on reading the itemized billing statement is available in PDF format.

Calls and communications (5G/Xi/FOMA)

PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 410KB)

The numbers for outgoing calls and communications display

Choose from the following two ways to display the numbers for outgoing calls and communications.

Image of displaying numbers for outgoing calls and communications
  • The entire name of sites for which i-mode information charges are incurred will be displayed with both display choices.
  • You can apply to change the display format even if you do not wish to use Web Itemized Billing Service or Postal Itemized Billing Service.

Data communications and packet communications (5G/Xi/FOMA)

PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 526KB)

Data communications volume and packet communications volume display

  • The 5G/Xi data communications volume is tabulated and displayed in one-day units for usage period.
  • The FOMA packet communications volume is tabulated and displayed in one-hour units by session.
    • A session is one continuous connection, counted from start to end of connection.
  • With i-mode use, the site connected to is displayed as "i-mode".
  • Communications data volume with i-mode is displayed as being for "MAIL" or "SITE" depending on its use. Communications data volume other than with i-mode is displayed as "OTHER". In cases such as if you sever the connection before connection processing is complete for i-mode communications, communications data volume will be displayed as "OTHER".
  • If you use free i-mode mail between family group members with a Family Discount subscription, the packet communications volume for that will not be displayed in the itemized packet usage.
  • The packet communications volume that the flat rate applies to with a FOMA subscription for packet flat-rate plans such as Pake-hodai FLAT and Pake-hodai double is tabulated and displayed in one-day units.
    • The connection start time is different from the service start time of Sekai Sonomama Giga.

i-mode information charges (FOMA)

PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 299KB)


PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 398KB)

WORLD WING packet transmission (5G/Xi/FOMA)

PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 371KB)

WORLD WING packet communications display

  • If 5G/Xi/FOMA communications using (WORLD WING packet communications), (Packet communications using a specified operator), (Sekai Giga Shihodai compatible communications), or (Sekai Sonomama Giga compatible communications) are performed, these will each be displayed on a new page.
  • If 5G/Xi/FOMA communications using (Packet communications using a specified operator), (Sekai Giga Shihodai compatible communications) or (Sekai Sonomama Giga compatible communications) are performed, these will be displayed respectively under the categories (Specified operator), (Sekai Giga Shihodai) and (Sekai Sonomama Giga compatible communications).
  • 5G/Xi/FOMA communications using (Sekai Giga Shihodai compatible communications) are performed, the amount will be displayed after Sekai Giga Shihodai has been applied.

docomo Hikari Denwa

PDFReading Your Itemized Statement of Charges (PDF format: 371KB)

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