Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus/Renewal Loyalty Points

Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus automatically grants you a discount or d POINT reward every month according to the years of use of your subscribed Packet Pack. In addition, Renewal Loyalty Points will be awarded upon each renewal of a two-year subscription.

  • The amount awarded for Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus will continue to be determined based on the conventional membership stage rank conditions even after the revamp of d POINT CLUB in June 2022.
    For details, please refer to the press release "Revision of DOCOMO's Point Program, d POINT CLUB" (in Japanese only).
  • New applications for plans with a fixed period subscription are no longer accepted as of Thursday, September 30, 2021.
    Renewal Loyalty Points are not rewarded to customers whose fixed period subscription expires on or after October 2021.
Image of Higher stages for long-time users and heavy users. Platinum stage for users of 15 years or longer.Image of Higher stages for long-time users and heavy users. Platinum stage for users of 15 years or longer. notice1 notice2 notice3
  1. This is the length of use of the docomo mobile line.
  2. The total length of use is counted at the end of the month before the applicable month.
  3. d POINTs (limited period and use) and points awarded as a d CARD GOLD privilege (90 points granted per ¥1,000 [excl. tax] usage charge of docomo mobile or docomo Hikari) are not counted for the stages. d POINTS moved from other companies or awarded in campaigns without paying for services or bills may not be counted for the stages.

Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus

Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus
  • Your reward points/fee discounts are based on your d POINT CLUB stage at the end of the usage month.

d POINT CLUB members now can select a Packet Pack discount or d POINT reward.

  • Discount: Not required (automatically applied)
  • d POINT Reward: Required

To verify your current stage

Your stage can be verified at the d POINT CLUB site below.

New windowd POINT CLUB site (in Japanese only)

To share among family members

POINTIf you select d POINT Reward, you will earn d POINTs worth 1.2 times the amount of discount reduction.

(Point reward/month)

Table of sharing among family members
To share among family members
Stage Rewarded points
Ultra Share pack 100
Platinum 3,000pts
4th 2,160pts
3rd 1,440pts
2nd 1,200pts
1st -
Ultra Share pack 50
Platinum 2,160pts
4th 1,440pts
3rd 1,200pts
2nd 960pts
1st -
Ultra Share pack 30
Platinum 1,440pts
4th 1,200pts
3rd 960pts
2nd 720pts
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 30 GB)
Platinum 1,440pts
4th 1,200pts
3rd 960pts
2nd 720pts
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 15 GB)
Platinum 1,440pts
4th 1,200pts
3rd 960pts
2nd 720pts
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 10 GB)
Platinum 1,200pts
4th 960pts
3rd 720pts
2nd 480pts
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 5 GB)
Platinum 1,080pts
4th 720pts
3rd 240pts
2nd 120pts
1st -

To use only by yourself

POINTIf you select d POINT Reward, you will earn d POINTs worth 1.2 times the amount of discount reduction.

(Point reward/month)

Table of using only by yourself
notice4 notice5
To use only by yourself
Stage Rewarded points
Ultra Data LL pack
Platinum 960pts
4th 720pts
3rd 480pts
2nd 240pts
1st -
Ultra Data L pack
Platinum 960pts
4th 720pts
3rd 240pts
2nd 120pts
1st -
Basic pack (up to 20 GB)
Platinum 960pts
4th 720pts
3rd 240pts
2nd 120pts
1st -
Basic pack (up to 5 GB)
Platinum 960pts
4th 720pts
3rd 240pts
2nd 120pts
1st -
Basic pack (up to 3 GB)
Platinum 720pts
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -
Basic pack (up to 1 GB)
Platinum 240pts
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -
Keitai Pack *4
Platinum Up to 360pts *5
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -

To verify your current stage

Your stage can be verified at the d POINT CLUB site below.

New windowd POINT CLUB site (in Japanese only)

To share among family members

POINTEarn a discount according to your Packet Pack and stage level of d POINT CLUB.

(Monthly amount [incl. tax])

Table of sharing among family members
To share among family members
Stage Discount amount
Ultra Share pack 100
Platinum -¥2,750
4th -¥1,980
3rd -¥1,320
2nd -¥1,100
1st -
Ultra Share pack 50
Platinum -¥1,980
4th -¥1,320
3rd -¥1,100
2nd -¥880
1st -
Ultra Share pack 30
Platinum -¥1,320
4th -¥1,100
3rd -¥880
2nd -¥660
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 30 GB)
Platinum -¥1,320
4th -¥1,100
3rd -¥880
2nd -¥660
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 15 GB)
Platinum -¥1,320
4th -¥1,100
3rd -¥880
2nd -¥660
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 10 GB)
Platinum -¥1,100
4th -¥880
3rd -¥660
2nd -¥440
1st -
Basic Share pack
(up to 5 GB)
Platinum -¥990
4th -¥660
3rd -¥220
2nd -¥110
1st -

To use only by yourself

POINTEarn a discount according to your Packet Pack and stage level of d POINT CLUB.

(Monthly amount [incl. tax])

Table of using only by yourself
notice4 notice5
To use only by yourself
Stage Discount amount
Ultra Data LL pack
Platinum -¥880
4th -¥660
3rd -¥440
2nd -¥220
1st -
Ultra Data L pack
Platinum -¥880
4th -¥660
3rd -¥220
2nd -¥110
1st -
Basic pack (up to 20 GB)
Platinum -¥880
4th -¥660
3rd -¥220
2nd -¥110
1st -
Basic pack (up to 5 GB)
Platinum -¥880
4th -¥660
3rd -¥220
2nd -¥110
1st -
Basic pack (up to 3 GB)
Platinum -¥660
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -
Basic pack (up to 1 GB)
Platinum -¥220
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -
Keitai Pack *4
Platinum Up to -¥330*5
4th -
3rd -
2nd -
1st -

Course selection

Zutto DOCOMO Discount Plus is applied after the end of the initial two-year subscription, which allows you to choose from the Zutto DOCOMO Discount Course and the Free Course.

  • New applications for plans with a fixed period subscription are no longer accepted as of Thursday, September 30, 2021.
    Renewal Loyalty Points are not rewarded to customers whose fixed period subscription expires on or after October 2021.
    The cancellation fees are no longer incurred as of Friday, October 1, 2021.
  • Switching from Free Course to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course can be done any time.
  • A course can be selected during the renewal period.
  • Each course is included in the calculation for the number of years of continuous usage.
  • Sub lines of Share pack and 2daime-Plus cannot be changed to Free Course while the representative line is subscribed to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course.

Eligible subscribers

Subscribers of Kake-hodai Plan (for smartphones and tablets), Kake-hodai Plan (for feature phones), Kake-hodai Light Plan (for smartphones and tablets) *6, Kake-hodai Light Plan (for feature phones), Simple plan (for smartphones) *7, Simple plan (for feature phones) *7, Data Plan (for smartphones and tablets), and Data Plan (for routers)

How to switch to the Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course and how to apply for Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus

Apply via docomo Online Application, docomo Information Center, or docomo Shop/d garden.

  • The procedure to switch from Free Course to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course cannot be performed for the representative line of the share group (including 2daime-Plus) via docomo Online Application.

docomo Feature Phone

You can apply from (docomo Online Application). The required d ACCOUNT can be easily issued, so even beginners can start using right away.

  • When accessing from a PC, a d ACCOUNT is required.
  • When accessing from a smartphone or docomo Feature Phone (sp-mode), a Network PIN is required.
  • Operation procedures on the actual screens are in Japanese.
Business hours :
24 hours *8

docomo Feature Phone

You can apply from (docomo Online Application).

Business hours :
24 hours *8


  • To apply from a DOCOMO mobile phone, call 151 (toll free, in Japanese only) without an area code.
  • For inquiries in English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish, and applications from landline phones, see General Inquiries (docomo Information Center).
Business hours :
9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

docomo Shop
/d garden
docomo Shop/d garden

All shops provide this support service through interpreters, to enable foreign language speaking customers to stop by freely and comfortably.
Business hours differ by shop. See the pages of individual shops for details.

Business hours :
Within the business hours of the corresponding shop
  • Mass retailer *9
  • General retail store *9
  1. Application at mass retailers or general retail stores requires device purchase.
  1. Unavailable from 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday to 7:00 a.m. the following morning due to system maintenance.

Renewal Loyalty Points

A gift of 3,000 points will be awarded upon each renewal of a two-year subscription (Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course) to Kake-hodai Plan, Kake-hodai Light Plan, Simple plan, or Data Plan.

  • Subscribers to Free Course are not eligible.
  • New applications for plans with a fixed period subscription are no longer accepted as of Thursday, September 30, 2021.
    Renewal Loyalty Points are not rewarded to customers whose fixed period subscription expires on or after October 2021.
Image of Renewal Loyalty Points notice10 notice11 notice12 notice13


To receive points, you must apply through the d POINT CLUB site (in Japanese only) or by calling the dedicated number (*8118 [in Japanese only]).

  • This requires the caller ID notification service. If the service is disabled, dial "186*8118" to activate.
  • The d POINTs awarded as Renewal Loyalty Points (limited period and use) can be used in a variety of ways, such as for purchasing smartphones and other docomo products, shopping at d market, d POINT affiliate shops, paying for d-Barai and more. Please note that these points cannot be redeemed for point-exchange programs (including a prize draw, JAL Mileage), payment for mobile phone/docomo Hikari/service charges, or purchasing additional data packets.

[Point to note]
An application cannot be made online when applying for only Kake-hodai Plan or Data Plan. Please apply at a New windowdocomo Shop/d garden or docomo Information Center.

  1. The service is not available to customers with the Kake-hodai Plan (for smartphones and tablets), Kake-hodai Light Plan (for smartphones and tablets), Simple Plan (for smartphones) or Data Plan.
  2. In the case of only when the usage charges with Keitai Pack exceed ¥4,290 (incl. tax)/month, the amount in excess will be discounted as Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (Discount) and you will be billed ¥4,290 (incl. tax)/month. If you apply for Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (d POINT Reward), you will earn d POINTs worth 1.2 times (rounded up) the amount in excess (in units of ¥1).
  3. A subscription to one of the following Packet Packs is required when subscribing to Kake-hodai Light Plan(for smartphones and tablets).
    [Required Packet Pack]
    Basic pack, Data S/M/L pack, Ultra Data L/LL pack, Basic Share pack, Share pack 5/10/15, Ultra Share pack 30/50/100, Business Basic Share pack, Business Share pack 5-3000, Ultra Business Share pack 30/50/100 (including the sub line in the case of Share pack.)
  4. A subscription to one of the following Share packs is required when subscribing to Simple plan.
    [Required Share pack]
    Keitai Pack, Basic Share pack, Ultra Share pack 30/50/100, Share pack 5/10/15/20/30, Basic pack, Ultra Data L/LL pack, Data S/M/L pack, Business Basic Share pack, Business Share pack 5-3000, Ultra Business Share pack 30/50/100 (including the sub line in the case of Share pack.)
  5. You will be notified by SMS, Message R or post.
    Depending on the status of your subscription, sending may not be possible in some cases.
  6. The month that the two-year subscription expires can be checked from the following Applying online. Applying online > Changes of subscription details/billing plan, service applications (checking and changing subscription details) > Subscription details (billing plans)
  7. You will be notified by SMS or Message R.
    Sending may not be possible in some cases depending on the details of your subscription, such as when using iPad or a router not supporting SMS or Message R, when not subscribed to a DOCOMO ISP, or when notifications from DOCOMO are blocked.
    Also, depending on the details of changes made to the subscription, a notification of points earned may be sent to those not eligible to receive points.
  8. If you have changed to a course other than Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course at the point in time that you perform the procedure to receive points after renewing your subscription to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course, you will become ineligible to receive Renewal Loyalty Points.

[Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus]

  • Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (d POINT Reward) is applicable to d POINT CLUB members (not to docomo Business Premier Club members).
  • If a Packet Pack subscriber (or subscriber of the representative line for Share pack) selects the Free Course in the Basic Plan, Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus is not applied.
  • For customers with Zutto DOCOMO Wari already applied prior to the launch of the Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus service, the service is automatically switched to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (Discount). To change the option to Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (d POINT Reward), you need to apply for the service. For Share pack subscribers, the subscriber of the representative line of the d POINT CLUB member share group must apply for the service (You cannot apply for this service if a non-d POINT CLUB member exists in the sub line of the same share group).
  • The selected option (Discount or d POINT Reward) is applied for the use on the month of application.
  • Points granted with Zutto DOCOMO Wari Plus (d POINT Reward) are available for a limited period and use. The points will expire in 24 months.
  • Points will be awarded on the 10th or later of the month following the month of usage, which is the same timing as when points for docomo mobile usage charges are granted.
  • If you are no longer a d POINT CLUB member when points are awarded, you will not earn them.

[Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course][Free Course]

  • Corporate subscribers are not eligible.
  • Zutto DOCOMO Wari Course is applied automatically if you who were subscribed to a basic plan with a two-year subscription (excluding Device Plus) and had used DOCOMO for at least two years on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

[Renewal Loyalty Points]

  • Applies only to d POINT CLUB members (docomo Business Premier Club members are not eligible).
  • The validity period of the d POINTs (limited period, limited usage) received will be from the 1st of the month until the end of the 6th month following the completion of the renewal period for the two-year fixed subscription, and not the six-month period from when the points were actually received.
  • To receive the points, you must apply through the d POINT CLUB site by yourself.
  • A separate application for each line is required to receive points.
  • Subscribers to Free Course are not eligible to receive points.
  • For the details on the provision conditions of the basic plan and Packet Pack of Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru, check Provision Conditions (in Japanese only).
  • Apple, the Apple Logo, AirPlay, AirPods, Apple Music, Apple Pay, Apple Pencil, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Ceramic Shield, Dynamic Island, Face ID, FaceTime, iBooks, iPad, iPhone, iTunes, Lightning, Magic Keyboard, MagSafe, ProMotion, Siri, Touch ID, TrueDepth, True Tone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The iPhone trademark is used under license from AiPhone Co., Ltd. App Store, Apple Arcade, AppleCare+, Apple TV+, iCloud are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. TM and © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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