Hearty Discount

5G Xi "crossy" FOMA

We offer various benefits, including discounts on basic charges for mobile phones and monthly charges for services, to registered users with a government-issued identification booklet for the physically challenged (Shintai Shogaisha Techo), government-issued identification booklet for the mentally challenged (Ryoiku Techo), government-issued welfare booklet for the mentally ill (Seishin Shogaisha Hoken Fukushi Techo), government-issued specified disease treatment recipient certificate (Tokutei Shikkan Iryo Jyukyushasho), government-issued specified disease registrant certificate (Tokutei Shikkan Torokushasho).

  • Application : Required

Eligible Customers

Customers who have been issued any of the following, and who are registered as users.
DOCOMO will check the following documents at the time of application.

  • Government-issued identification booklet for the physically challenged (Shintai Shogaisha Techo)*1
    (This is sometimes referred to as the 'Akai Techo')
  • Government-issued identification booklet for the mentally challenged (Ryoiku Techo)*1
    (This is sometimes referred to as the 'Ai no Techo' or 'Midori no Techo')
  • Government-issued welfare booklet for the mentally ill (Seishin Shogaisha Hoken Fukushi Techo)*1
    (This is sometimes referred to as the 'Shogaisha Techo')
  • Government-issued specified disease treatment recipient certificate (Tokutei Shikkan Iryo Jyukyushasho)*2
  • Government-issued specified disease registrant certificate (Tokutei Shikkan Torokushasho)*2
  • Specified intractable disease medical expense recipient certificate (Tokutei Iryohi [Shitei Nanbyo] Jyukyushasho)*2
  1. New windowMIRAIRO ID, a disability certificate smartphone app, is also accepted as valid documentation at docomo Shops, retailers, or general distributors.
  2. The names may differ depending on the issuer.
  • The discount can be applied only if the customer who has been issued any of the above is registered as the subscriber or user and is limited to one line per customer. (The discount can be applied only to one line within the same month. If Hearty Discount is already being applied to another line, the application for the new line will be applied from the month after the month in which the Hearty Discount being applied is cancelled.)
  • In cases where the following changes have occurred in the booklet/certificate, call the General Inquiries (docomo Information Center) or visit a local New windowdocomo Shop/d garden.
    • If details (identification number and issuing body) have been changed
    • If you are no longer qualified and have returned your identification booklet/certificate

Billing Plans Applicable for Discounts

The discount is applicable to all of the following 5G, Xi "crossy", and FOMA billing plans.

  • eximo
  • 5G compatible plans (5G Gigaho Premier, 5G Gigaho, 5G Gigalight, and 5G Data Plus)
  • Xi compatible plans (Gigaho Premier, Gigaho, Gigalight, Keitai Plan, Data Plus, and Kids Keitai Plan) that are not fixed period subscription type plans
  • Hajimete Sumaho Plan that is not fixed period subscription type plan
  • U15 Hajimete Sumaho Plan
  • Basic Plans that are not fixed period subscription type plans (except for Device Plus)
  • FOMA billing plans (except for FOMA Ubiquitous Plan)
  • Xi billing plans (except for fixed period subscription type billing plans)
  • Basic Plans refer to Kake-hodai Plan, Kake-hodai Light Plan, Simple plan, Kids Keitai Plus, Data Plan, Device Plus.

Discount Details

Various benefits are offered, including a discount on basic charges for mobile phones and monthly charges for services.

  • Discount off basic monthly charges of mobile phones
  • 60% off monthly usage charges for sp-mode, Voice Mail, and other services
  • Discount on communication charges for Videophone
  • The handling fees that are incurred when applying for a new subscription*3, changing the subscription name*3, changing models and changing subscriptions are free of charge
  • Initial Setup Support, that provides support on the initial setup of your smartphone or tablet by shop staff, is free of charge
  • Calls to 104 directory assistance are free
  1. Applicable only if performing procedures at the same time as applying Hearty Discount.
  • Hearty Discount takes effect from the day of application (applicable charges billed the following month).
  • Discounts for voice/data communications charges take effect from the time of application.

Application Procedure

You can apply by PC, smartphone, docomo Feature Phone, phone, or at docomo Shop/d gardens.
Refer to the following to see the items required for application and the application service counters.


Further discounts on monthly charges and the Voice option are offered starting on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, to customers who are subscribed to 5G Gigaho, 5G Gigalight, Gigaho, Gigalight, or Keitai Plan.
No new application is necessary for customers with Hearty Discount who are subscribed to one of the above billing plans as these billing changes will be automatically applied.

Notices from DOCOMO: Changes to Hearty Discount (in Japanese only)

  • This discount applies to customers who subscribed to Gigaho, Gigalight, or Keitai Plan on or after October 1, 2019. Customers who subscribed on or before September 30, 2019, can become eligible by changing their billing plan to Gigaho Premier, Gigalight 2, or Keitai Plan 2.

Refer to the following to see which services cannot be used at the same time as Hearty Discount, charges to which the discount does not apply, and notes on use.
Please be sure to read these notes before applying for Hearty Discount.

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