Message from the CEO
Creating Value for the Norm of Tomorrow with Technology and Resourcefulness
Since its founding, the DOCOMO Group has endeavored to enrich society by advancing telecommunications technology and developing various systems and services based on this evolution. We conduct our business everyday to foster new connections among people, products, society, and businesses to create and integrate new value into the fabric of our society.
Our efforts are beginning to yield results across multiple domains.
Together with our partners, we have developed and deployed services in telecommunications, finance, entertainment, and other sectors to support and enhance the lives of our customers, focusing primarily on the approximately 100 million d POINT members. Additionally, in our corporate business domain, we are expanding the scope of integrated solutions. In our foundational field of telecommunications technology, we are improving the service quality and accelerating research and development into technologies such as IOWN and 6G, which will be crucial for providing new societal value on a global scale.
We believe the purpose of the DOCOMO Group is to enrich society.
In order to achieve this, we want each of our employees to think critically, generate value and empathize with our customers.
We are to lead innovation while respecting our global partners and collaboratively creating "the norm of tomorrow."
As we strive to fulfill this vision in a rapidly changing world, we will continue to embrace challenges to advance society.
Yoshiaki Maeda, President and Chief Executive Officer