Service Area
5G Areas
You can find the information on the establishments and spots where 5G communications are available.
The information will be updated every time the area is expanded.
Communications/Areas (in Japanese only)
4G (LTE) and FOMA Areas
Search for LTE, FOMA, and FOMA HIGH-SPEED areas.
- VoLTE and VoLTE (HD+) can be used within LTE service areas.
Communications/Areas (in Japanese only)
You can find Wi-Fi SPOTs.
The service is available at various locations in Japan, such as train stations, airports, cafes, and convenience stores.
- The service may be unavailable at some Wi-Fi SPOTs that have no reception.
- At stores, the service is available during operating hours.
International service area
Search for service areas where you can use your usual mobile phone overseas (International roaming), or search for overseas (International calls) you can call to from Japan with your usual mobile phone. Also view communications charges for using those international services.
Inquiries by Phone
Open all year round
From DOCOMO mobile Phones
Available languages: English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish.
9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Only from a DOCOMO mobile phone or DOCOMO Smartphone.
From landline phones etc.
Available languages: English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish.
9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- May not be accessible from some IP phones.
- An LTE service area refers to an area that can be used with a Xi service subscription.
- Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.